Membership and Fees

Becoming a Member

The club has four main types of members: full members, student members, family members and associate members.

Full members have full access to the Club. They have voting rights at general meetings and are entitled to flying instruction and when suitably qualified may fly solo. Student membership is for people under the age of 18, or full-time students (at least 20 hours per week of course attendance) up to 26 years old. They have the same rights as full members except they cannot vote at general meetings; they do not pay a joining fee.

Family members are immediate family of existing Club members and if they join as full members do not pay a joining fee. They do not have voting rights.

Associate members receive the Club newsletter, and may fly as passengers at visitor rates.

Membership Form

Membership Fees


The Club has a joining fee of $165.00. All applicants for full membership pay this fee, unless they are a member of another club. Student, family, and associate members are exempt.


All members except honorary life members pay an annual subscription.The annual subscription costs are:

• $450 for full members

• $150 for student members

• $150 for family membership

• $40.00 for associate members

The Club uses a 1 July to 30 June financial year. At the time of joining, flying members pay pro rata for the remainder of that financial year, after which the full annual fee will be due for subsequent years.


All flying members must be members of the Gliding Federation of Australia (GFA). The GFA administers the sport nationally. It oversees flying training standards and glider airworthiness and maintenance. Members of the GFA also receive a monthly magazine, ’Australian Gliding’. The GFA administers its own membership through direct online payments using its website,

Launch Fees

For flying members, a launch to 1000 ft above ground level (AGL) costs $59.00. This is the minimum charge, i.e. a 500 ft launch still costs $59.00. If the launch is not a multiple of 500 ft, the charge is for the next 500 ft mark above the actual launch height, i.e. a 2200 ft launch costs $101.00.
Associate members and visitors pay an extra five dollars per launch, as shown below.

Launch Height (ft, AGL)

Member Price ($)

Visitor Price ($)
















Glider Hire

There are three ways to hire the gliders - hourly, daily, or annually (flat rate). The hourly rate is $69 per hour for full and student members for the Puchacz, $75 per hour for the DG303, and $108 per hour for the DG-1001S. Mutual flying hire must nominate a pilot-in-command before launch and costs shall be shared equally by both pilots. Visitors and associate members pay an extra $5 per hour for each aircraft type.

The maximum daily hire rate for all club gliders is based on four hours of hire. The daily hire rate applies only to full and student members.


Instead of paying by the minute or day, full and student members may join the flat rate scheme by paying a flat rate fee at 1 October. This provides unlimited glider hire until the end of September of the following year. The flat rate scheme represents a very generous arrangement for pilots who manage to fly more than twenty hours per year.

There are three levels of flat rate fee:

  • Full members who wish to fly any club glider, the annual fee is $2000; this includes our DG-1001S, (VH-GGT).

  • Full members who wish to fly the SZD-50 Puchacz gliders and the single-seater DG- 303 Elan (VH-DGA), the annual fee is $1500.

  • Full members who only wish to fly only the SZD-50 Puchacz two-seaters, the annual fee is $1380.

  • Full-time non wage-earning students, the annual flat rate fee is $690 and includes all gliders other than the DG-1001S.

Bunyan Airfield

Located an hour South of Canberra, 10mins past Bredbo, and 15mins from Cooma, Bunyan Airfield on the Monaro Highway is home to the Canberra Gliding Club.

Visitors please follow the road to the clubhouse, or pull up next to the horse float if we have aircraft operating on the runways.


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